Friday, April 24, 2009

The Temple of the Sith - Star Wars Legacy

Hey guys!
Wanted to share with you my first work in progress images of my very first diorama! After witnessing fellow customizers take on this challenging hobby, I decided it was time to take the plunge...and for my first dio, I have chosen The Temple of the Sith - as seen in the fourth story arc in the Star Wars Legacy comic series entitled Claws of the Dragon. Below are a couple images of my work in progress...

For many more images of the Sith Temple dio, visit my Flickr stream
This will be a very large diorama, featuring several chamers of the temple. All of which uses a famework of sheet styrene, with an overcoating of Aves FIXIT sculpt. All details you see have been hand sculpted...all the way down to each individual hieroglyphic symbol.....and my hands are CRAMPIN'!!! LOL!
Any comment or suggestions welcome! Thanks for looking!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Welcome the Sith_Fire30's Creations!

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog which will be featuring updates of my ongoing series of custom figures, from early concept to finality.

For you diorama fans out there, I've been bitten by the bug and will be posting updates of working and finalized constructs!

I also plan on posting how to's, techniques and ideas to better help fellow customizers in obtaining their custom goals as well as my own!

By popular demand, I will be working in coordinacne with Flickr to create galleries of my past work.

So add me to your favorites, or subscribe for updates as I begin making this site my home for future updates, past work and more.

Thanks for visiting!
