Saturday, September 19, 2009

Two Siths of a feather, flock together...

Hey peoples!

Below are featured two customs relating to the ancient Sith religion. Different degrees of completion, one has begun to be painted while the other is in it's early stages of sculpting.

Darth Sion is an ancient Sith Lord originating from the early days of the Old Republic, thousands of years before the Yavin battle. Sion is the Lord of Pain...and his body represents his agony and devotion to the dark side power...any other being would die from such trauma...Sion chooses to live in the torment and gain strength from the Dark Side.

This version of Darth Sion is seen from the character skins found in the video game The Force Unleashed. If you are familiar, you know just how awesome his character is...for those who don't, I suggest you go to youtube and look up Sion in the Force Unleashed to see what I'm talking about...When I saw this version I blew me away...exactly how I pictured Sion to be...almost zombie like, with and "undead" color scheme and lifeless expression. After seeing that, this is what I came up with...

Sion's sculpt has been completed and a coat of gray acrylic has been applied. I use Testors Floyqil acrylics - tried using enamels back in the day but not a fan in terms of customizing figures. So far I'm about mid way of completing the paint application on Sion and am very pleased! Hope to post some completed images next moth...perfect for October spookiness!!!

Next is a custom I have been tooling around with for a very long time...this is a possible beginning to an "Ultimate" Darth Vader which would include removable head gear, battle damaged armor and armor "variants" which is the different armor versions from all three films. Presently I am working on an Empire Strikes Back version of the Sith Lord. As far as articulation goes, I hope to give him as much as I can without hurting the feel of the sculpt. I have in mind an alternate lower torso and legs which would allow him to sit in his meditation chamber...a custom dio I am also presently tooling with. Enjoy the pics...

So you see, I'm very early on with this custom...

The body has original parts being used from the Legacy version of Vader by Hasbro, along with some major sculpt work.

Shoulder armor is sculpted and is a removable piece (ESB version)

The head sculpt is a two-part face plate and helmet - The face plate is a modified version of Gentle Giant's bust up version, while the helmet is an original sculpt.

Breathing controls and belt also from the bust up and will be repainted...

So this piece isn't going to be a complete sculpt...I'm having a little help from my friends so to speak. Hey...if the parts work, why change them!!

If you haven't seen any of my other updates I have posted on custom boards, you can see them always on my Flickr page...

Enjoy the updates - I will have more finished work to show you on my next post.

Take care!
